Right there with you. The grown men and their comments make me feel murderous, even now. Especially now!

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I can imagine as a mother with children yourself even moreso now.

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definitely! and also in regards to my child-self. The shit she had to put up with.

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and probably kept to herself because who believes children right? the way we were spoken to is just so mind boggling to me.

brb throwing my bra off in 5.

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That's because feminist propaganda (Gloria Steinem and her Ms magazine were CIA assets for a reason) has successfully disoriented and divided and conquered the sexes in the USA with brainwashing that tells all women they are victims and that men and their God given sex drives are monsters. Thank goodness women and men still value each other in Europe (where feminism never took hold). Look at the Man Bear meme, for example...basically a Little Red Riding Hood ripoff designed to scare parents and women everywhere. I first saw it connected to an account associated with Occupy Wall Street. Hmmm? Why would Occupy be concerned with gender politics? When you know the history of how it was western bankers, industrial and Royals who funded Hitler genocide and enslave Jews, who are funding the genocide of Muslims, you start to get the picture of their agenda. In fact, the hippie movement and LSD was mass psychological warfare on the American people to draw attention away from an actual anti-war sentiment in America.

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Matt, respectfully- I am not a fucking victim. And if you as a grown man want to fuck an 11 year old on her way to school and make it loudly known then yes, you just might be a monster. This isn’t about feminism it’s about basic decency towards young women.

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You sure sound like a victim. Can't have it both ways, either you are complaining about being victimized by all this or you aren't. And you are, so...But hey, you actually reveal the grotesque 'morality' of today's Western feminists, wanting to have it both ways all the time, on every issue. You also neglect to mention the immense power a sexually attractive women has socially, the status she gains and the like. It's all one sided whining. Not impressive, at all. You play the victim, don't deny it.

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This is actually a good point, though you might want to work on the delivery a bit if you want it to land.

Also, there's nothing wrong with 'playing the victim' if you actually are the victim. The idea that men would be making sexual remarks to girls walking past is pretty bad (especially 11 year olds, WTF?), I've actually never seen it and I've worked in construction a long time but I would be telling guys to STFU if they were doing that on my sites. But honestly, that type of dickhead wouldn't be working for me anyway, and I'm no kind of white knight, the type of guy who is at that level is usually just a useless, trouble causing alcoholic dumbass that you don't want around anyway.

At the same time, women know perfectly well that sticking their boobs out and painting on the makeup gets them special treatment, and that half the 'feminism' that goes on is enforcement of their ability to access that special treatment without the risk of being asked to follow through on the 'offer' that the cleavage and makeup suggests. They want all the men around them to pay them the price for getting some, without actually receiving any. That's why a lot of men hate feminism. They understand that they're getting played, even if they can't articulate it.

And while 'feminism' makes guys feel like they're being played, actually it's just a shit deal for women. The price for getting some used to be that you supported a woman and your children until you died. My wife quit her job two weeks after we got married (not at all at my prompting, honestly I was a bit WTF?) and hasn't worked for the last 20 years. If that sounds good to you ladies, it's because it's fucking fantastic. My wife is probably the happiest person I know, and it's not a mystery. She's basically been on a fully funded holiday for a couple of decades. Sure, she has to take care of kids and cook and (kind of ) clean. But really, that's like a couple of hours a day. That used to be the exchange rate for sex.

Now feminism has 'liberated' you all from that and you're left trying to eke out what you can through turning yourself into booby women so men will get all sappy around you while the angry women at the universities slap their hands away if they start to get grabby. And you think the angry mutant university women are on your side but really they took all your shit away and left you walking around in thongs with your whole asses sticking out at the beach.

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She’s a grown woman, she’s lamenting things that are not that severe or serious and doing so in a long tradition of feminists wining about the sexual attention they receive. Let me ask you this question: Do you think she’d be willing to give up the asymmetric power female humans enjoy in mate selection? 90% of human couplings are based on female selection, and men compete for that selection in a very unfair, un-democratic contest. Do you think women would give up that power in exchange for not being objects of sexual desire?

No way. We can see that kind of society in action in say bonobos. There is very little conflict and fighting as there is no inter-male competition for mate selection. A male just approaches any female bonobo and the female welcomes it. But then again, women have no special power in such societies by making men ‘earn it’, ya know? I doubt very much most women would give up this power. So the cost is the sexual attention they receive. I cannot lament it nor tolerate a grown ass woman whining about it as though I should care.

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Oh fuck off, don’t you have an Andrew Tate podcast to jerk off to

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14Liked by Sudana Krasniqi

saying you don't care, but you leave these long comments gaslighting her experience by saying "she's a grown woman" and not condoning the actions of grown adult males who catcalled an 11 year old. it seems like a whole bunch of you are spewing the same talking point on feminism when it wasn't discussed in the passage. we are allowed to share our valid stories that helps us process the past. maybe you would benefit by this introspection as well. it's called "inner child work." she courageously shared her experience and is greeted by these nasty comments such as yours. and your silence on the part that she was seggually harassed as an 11 year old by adult males speaks volumes. Are you condoning grown men catcalling 11 year olds?

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Getting hassled by grown men as an 11 year old girl is pretty serious. You are ideologically possessed and not seeing things clearly if you don't understand this. If men were hassling my daughter (who is that age) I'd be paying them a visit with my mates to ensure it didn't happen again. That type of activity is completely unacceptable in a civilised society and should be stamped out mercilessly. Part of the problem is the atomised male population who is unable to take matters like this into their own hands because they are not part of a male group that can exercise control over their local environment, and instead it's left to the police who have other things to do and are more likely to arrest you for solving the problem.

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Just like how military intelligence preys on the vulnerable (mentally ill, victims of sexual abuse, etc) and turns them into assassins, pedo snuff film merchants and state sponsored terrorists masquerading as "serial killers", the state takes women with a propensity for victimhood mentality and turns them into full blown anti male sadists. That said I don't think the author of this article is malicious or one of these victims in the most extreme sense, but more likely just another member of the death cult who hasn't woken up yet.

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Great points, and eloquently delivered. I would add that part of why feminism was propagated by military intelligence among Americans was so that they could flood the labor market with even more workers, skewing supply and demand of labor heavily in the favor of the Kleptocrats they serve.

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Sorry, this was in response to someone else's comment, not a direct response to your post. But I will say that thankfully most men do not cat call 11-year-old girls. But kleptocratic feminist propaganda LOVES to paint all men with that broad brush! Although I will also say the hysteria around men being attracted to 16-year-old girls is overblown. How many of those girls are on social media with a folder full of bikini pics on social media, and even an only fans account? Not to mention that 16 is legal in about 90% of the countries around the world because up until about 100 years ago people didn't live past 50, and 16 was marrying age. that's a very very long evolution for male sexual desire of a certain age. My point was just that men are unjustly pilloried and lumped together in the court of state propaganda brainwashing opinion. Meanwhile, prostitution is illegal over most of the United States. Prostitution is actually the great equalizer of sexual privilege between the genders, and offers men safe affordable access to an essential component of health and well-being, and essential human contact. Interestingly though, while it was legal in Rhode Island between 1980 and 2009 after being sued by a sex worker union, incident of sexual violence and heterosexual STDs dropped a whopping 40%. I guess it doesn't line up with the law-enforcement lobby or kleptocratic agenda to disorient and destroy the physically stronger half of humanity.

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We have the right to share our stories. Did we read the same passage? She’s literally sharing her valid perspective. She was literally walking around and had to endure those creepy comments from adult males. Where is your outrage for men who made this creepy comments when she was 11 instead of this weird rant about feminism? Grow some empathy and do better.

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Just trying to offer an alternative perspective I'm sorry that didn't register with you! Unsurprising (yawn).

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Jul 16Liked by Sudana Krasniqi

Guy goes into a comment section about a woman’s experience with sexual harassment as a child, whining “but not all men!!1”, and actually thinks he’s adding any value to the conversation. Hilarious.

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Your hormones are out-of-whack and not normal thanks to what's in the food, drinking water, birth control, even the air at this point (Lord help us) so this isn even a normal human experience. Girls shouldn't hit sexual maturity at 11 under natural conditions, much less have huge tits at that age. But I see it everywhere: overdevelopment of tween and teen girls. It's not natural, literally, this shouldn't be happening, but your obsession over how it changed your life and 'men bad lul' is pathetic and I have no sympathy for you. You're part of a great experiment like us all but "MUH MEN!!!!" Aren't the problem, it's a lot bigger than that and they're your only defense, big tits complainer girl

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Did I ever say men bad? Learn to read

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"And if you as a grown man want to fuck an 11 year old on her way to school and make it loudly known then yes, you just might be a monster"

One of the (many) problems with feminism is that it takes any situation, discards half of the facts, then squeezes out all the nuance. What is left is a completely over simplistic and one sided THREAT NARRATIVE which is then used to traumatise women and demonise men.

As far as I can tell your complaint is that your body matured faster than your emotions. Well that's puberty for you. Everyone suffers from this. Maybe your body developed faster than average making it especially hard on you. This makes you a victim of your own biology. But for every 'you' there will be other girls who did not develop fast enough and hated that - proving that life sucks for everyone.

When you get older your body will decay faster than you want it to. You might want to go skiing or rock climbing but your body (your knees) will be like "nope" and you just have to live with it. That's not men's fault either.

That thing about grown workmen wanting to fuck 11 year olds makes no sense because (as far as I can tell) it was your ADULT characteristics (ie breasts) that made those men find you attractive. Their "jailbait" comment is them recognising that you were underage and therefore off limits, but also giving the appearance of a mature adult (ie not a child) ..... hence the danger that YOU pose to THEM. The danger is therefore a two way street.

Don't forget workmen are lower class men who spend all day building comfortable offices and pavements which allow the modern woman to clip clop about in high heels, long nails, full makeup and revealing impractical clothing. The modern 'empowered' woman is very much a creation of those working class manual labourers because if they did not build and maintain the infrastructure there would be no paved streets, offices, electric lights, shopping malls etc and women would not be able to earn a living (typically is the service sector) while dressed up like Egyptian princesses every day.

99.9% of the women who pass by workmen on construction sites with their cute bags and heels (the women, not the construction workers) would never dream of dating them or even speaking to them. The workmen understand that those women have all the social power and they have none. They do not complain, but occasionally they pay a woman a compliment and enjoy watching her reaction. Some women love it and others feel uncomfortable. It mostly depends on how secure those women are in their relationships with men. In a way it is like a shit test for women. For those few seconds those lower status men assert dominance over the women to see if she will play along, or get uppity about it. The fact that this is done out in the open and in broad daylight makes it safe and playful. Obviously men being leery in other situations can be threatening and is a completely different kettle of fish.

Women can just as easily destroy a man's life with a single false accusation. So that's an example of female power, and male vulnerability.

Do you remember 'mattress girl'? She accused a male student of raping her at college and she spent a year carrying a mattress around with her on campus as a protest at 'rape culture'. The male student would have gone to jail and his life would have been completely destroyed had he been convicted. The feminist THREAT NARRATIVE about all men being rapists meant he was extremely vulnerable ("Kill all men") and she was invulnerable ("believe all women").

Luckily for him he kept all of their texts - including the ones where she was begging him to come to her room and f*ck her brains out. If he had not saved the texts he would probably be in jail right now, where he would probably have been a victim of multiple rapes by the other inmates.

She should have gone to jail herself, but she got away with it, despite committing a crime which is arguably WORSE than rape itself. That's female privilege for you.

The point is that feminism's threat narrative ("men are all powerful evil villains and women are innocent, helpless victims of everything all the time") is not an accurate reflection of reality. Feminism has traumatised several generations of women with its one sided threat narrative and it's focus on female vulnerability and not female power, and male power but not male vulnerability.

One last example. Remember Boko Harem kidnapping those school girls. The whole world demanded those girls be rescued and everyone agreed it showed how females are victims. Nobody thought to even ask what happened to the school boys. Turns out they were all murdered in cold blood in the classroom. But nobody cared about them. They weren't victims because only girls can be victims!

Being female makes you vulnerable in some ways, but also a protected class of citizen in a way that males never get to experience. There a loads of social studies that show that 99.9% of men are poised to help, rescue and save random women who appear to be in distress in public at a moment's notice. But when men are in similar distress, most people walk by and offer no help, and women will often smile and laugh.

This is no surprise because the whole point of all threat narratives is to erase empathy for the target group (in this case men) while heightening empathy for the people pushing the threat narrative (in this case women).

Feminism is basically war propaganda directed at men and designed to turn women against their natural allies: men. This causes women to feel a deep sense of insecurity and anxiety, and so they will often accuse men of being rapists, misogynists etc to provoke White Knight behaviour in men to ease their anxiety. But this does nothing to rebuild the trust which is necessary to fully interact with men, and embody full womanhood again, as nature intended.

TL;DR Feminism is a destructive and demoralising ideology which makes modern women hate being women, and then punish men for their self-generated anxieties and self loathing.

I would advise reading NON-feminist accounts of puberty from women who had strong relationships with their fathers. These accounts are touching, powerful and humorous. I remember one account of a famous actress or model who was horrified when she travelled to Italy as a young woman and had young men slap her bum. When she returned as a middle aged woman no man slapped her bum and she was equally horrified by that! Without a sense of humour everything about being a mammal is awful.

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So, you're saying everything would be better if women had no rights? Thank God for suffragettes and the rest. Men were oglers long before Google and even before... feminism. Let's believe men can take the blame for their own deeds.

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An ideal society might look like the Haudenosaunee, where OLDER, wise women called clan mothers choose and depose chiefs, who are men. A separation and balance between the sexes rather than money and propaganda running the show. It is the oldest living participatory democracy on earth after all!

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In the Kingdom of God, God is the Only Ruler because God alone is God. God means Ruler. God commanded to have no other gods (no other rulers) before him. Chiefs are “ruled out.” :)

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Pretty sure I didn't say "everything would be better if women had no rights". I'm guessing you're another kleptocratic brainwashing propaganda bot account.

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Pretty sure you don't converse with people but instead talk down to ppl in an effort to establish control. People don't respond well because it's abuse. I'm not your victim. I speak for myself. You won't force me under your view.

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"The Lady Victim"

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Thank you for demonstrating and proving my point about victimhood.

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Matt, best wishes for your future. If you examined your own tone, stance, and behavior ~ possibly you could change. No one likes a bully. Men cataloging little girls are not just perverted, they are bullies.

I am done with the attempts to belittle, dominate, control: bully.

Good day.

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A person who witnesses a bank robbery isn't a victim. Seeing your behavior is bullying and rude out of your own hostile aggressiveness doesn't make me your victim. It makes me a person who rejects your toxicity.

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Get over it! This is the life of a female in America.

I don’t like men yelling at 11-14 year old girls like that but that’s just the way men are. Life’s hard and a lot it sucks. Acceptance goes a long way towards peace of mind.

There’s no reason for girls to go insane when puberty hits and we shouldn’t be helping to make them nuts. It’s a beautiful part of life. From “Lolita” to Proust’s (gay man) “Young Girls in Flower” chapter, it’s a time to be celebrated.

Notice how many classical paintings were of girls that age. There’s something very special about girls that age, and I’m barely even attracted to them. I’m talking about their LIFE ATTITUDE.

When I see a lot of them sometimes I think this is the happiest period in a female’s life. They’re often boyish in a special and dating way, and they’re great practical jokers.

I’m certain that more traditional cultures often handled this stuff better.

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Jul 13Liked by Sudana Krasniqi

I think she's saying she was harassed at too young an age and nobody gave her emotional support; Not friends, teachers, peers, her family or random people in society. Anyone who witnessed such behavior should have denounced it immediately. The Adolescent Era is a very trying time. Have some sympathy.

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It’s ok Peter, I don’t want nor need his sympathy but I pray he doesn’t have daughters who would.

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Is that true? I'm not American, I live in Australia, but I can't imagine a situation where men would be yelling at 14 year old girls, or any girls really. And I've worked my whole life in construction, except for 5 years I spent as a schoolteacher... where I know for a fact that a teacher snapping young girls bras would be fired straight away...

Maybe America really is that different. IDK

Traditional cultures handle this stuff by telling girls to put it away and generally keeping boys and girls separate.

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Are you for real? If you can’t imagine a situation where young girls are catcalled consider yourself lucky

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You are right, Sudana. He doesn't get it. When I was an adolescent, it was the 90s (in America), and construction workers would cat-call me every time I walked by. I became terrified every time I saw a construction site. Thankfully, this behavior is frowned upon now.

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I think ur right

For whatever dumb reason that used to be a thing that was just accepted

Thankfully, I don't think it's considered acceptable anymore (although I'm sure it happens occasionally)

I did not know that it happened to young girls though.

That's really gross.

I guess I'm lucky bc my male friends, family members and I would not have ever thought that was ok, even back then.

I'm really kind of shocked (and appalled)

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You make some good points, although to be fair, I probably looked more like a 15 or 16 year old, and that still bothers me. I really think that back then it was just totally acceptable to catcall a teenager. Thankfully, things are different, at least from my perspective.

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I think you are very insensitive and myopic about things. What's puberty in boys, you think it's joyous? Who told you?

Puberty is not just an experience, it's a lifelong changing event in your life. And the things that happen to a child going through it can make or mar the person.

If you understand someone's pain and frustration, why comment and act like you are smarter.

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Why does a woman writing about her experiences as a child with the adults around her have to make space for someone else’s experiences in her own post?

If you experienced a traumatic puberty (as many do) you are free to write about the experience. It is not the OP’s job to create your space.

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Did you understand my text?. I was replying to Robert Lindsay. Maybe you should try asking questions first before making silly assumptions

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I think men [who catcall minor children] can just shut up.

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No. Telling men to shut up is never an answer. There is no such thing as 'men' anyway. Lots of men don't like big tits, or tits at all....or even the women who have them.

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I think men can just shut up. They have no business speaking about the body of a minor child. I support ticketing and arrest for catcalling a minor child. Jailbait alright. SHUT UP.

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When righteous anger against a few men turns into unreasonable prejudice against all men.

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I think you don't get the context of what I said or to whom.

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Me too and I’m a male who raised 3 daughters.

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Sudana, primal stuff, this. As a woman who has always been small on top but still harassed, I can truly sympathise. I also cannot imagine men not going through some kind of shame of sorts when that bulge in their pants sometimes becomes uncontrollable, swelling at inopportune times! Puberty and the after-mess is very difficult. Living in a human body, just as difficult. Our culture has truly devolved into worse and worse, and hence why we have the war between men and women. Not good for either side, as we are NOT just physical bodies but souls and spirits and far more than just bumps and lumps. I will be advocating for the rest of my life, for at the very least, a "detente" between men and women. Not that fully likely but I will still speak on it. Your writing is visceral, raw and real, keep going! Blessings and a written hug your way, Wendy

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Wendy! Thank you for your beautiful and poignant comment. Far more than bumps and lumps indeed, there’s a soul somewhere in there.

Your kind words have humbled me.

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Bless you, dear Sudana! This is part of the sincere power of Substack Notes! Support one another, bear each other's burdens! Wendy

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We don’t worry about it much and as a boy you learn to control your erections, maybe too much! We don’t fret much about puberty. It’s potentially a joyous time.

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Robert, well knock me over with a feather, I had no idea that boys felt that way about puberty??? I did not know that boys could learn to control their erections? Forgive my lack of knowledge on that subject. "Joyous" is actually not a word I would use to describe puberty, at least as a biological woman. Sprouting bumps on my chest (mine were very small...), hips getting wider, and suddenly you begin to bleed for a few days every month, along with lovely cramps and bloating and the intensity that from the blood could come life, when combined with one sperm, not lightweight stuff for us women. Thank you for alerting me to a bit of the male psyche that I sincerely did not know of! I love men, that is where life comes from, the union of male and female. I say this respectfully, as I genuinely want to be a peace-maker between men and women and mitigate this awful battle between the two genders. Wendy

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Jul 10Liked by Sudana Krasniqi

Playing 32D chess...

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Once you place your hand on a piece, you must make a move with it.

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Christ, I'm so sorry. I didn't get mine til I was 17. Rather than be sexually harassed, I was bullied by every boy I knew for being flat chested, like I was failing in some way.

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Man, we just can’t win can we?

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Sometimes its like a give and take and other times, if you're a woman, it's a give and give. You can't ever win.

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Jul 11Liked by Sudana Krasniqi

Oh my f'ing god I am so sorry this was your experience. I didn't get boobs until I was about 14 so never had to deal with this, but I had a good friend at school who did and it looked like a horrible burden. Also, that substitute teacher is a predator and I hope he was sacked. Great writing, made me feel ragey x

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I was pretty enraged writing it and weird thing was I thought that teacher was my friend? Like I was somehow special for getting that attention.

Thank you for your kind words.

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Classic grooming. Thank you for sharing ❤️

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He should not have done that. You can’t groom a teenage girl. It’s all puritanical bullshit.

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Why is it that everybody wants to see tits and more tits when they're bouncing and cleavaged, pushed up, wet t-shirted, puppy sweatered or side boobed but stick a baby on one in public and let the shaming begin.

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Jul 11Liked by Sudana Krasniqi

I literally had to go lie down with a blanket for a few minutes after reading this because of all the memories it dredged up. Thank you for writing this.

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Oh Bridget, I’m so sorry. I hope you find some solace in knowing you aren’t alone.

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Despite not having this lived experience, can I just say this piece is so fucking good.

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Thank you Alexander 🤍

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Jul 11Liked by Sudana Krasniqi

GoDD Bless America

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I see what you did there

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Double D’s are the best kind of D’s

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Jul 12Liked by Sudana Krasniqi

I felt this deeply. I was also robbed… wouldn’t swim, wouldn’t run. The bane of my existence. I am 50 and still hate them.

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Anni I’m so sorry for your experience. Truly hope you make peace with them someday 🤍

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Also, why were the f*****g bathing suits so bad for bathing and swimming? For someone with bigger tits? They did not stay on.

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Not good to hate Anni.

You are more than likely a Beautiful Woman, please enjoy the rest of your life, you only have one.

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Pretty sure they usually come in pairs.

Oh, u were referring to one life


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Jul 11Liked by Sudana Krasniqi

i'm planning to just cut off mine 🫡

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Jul 11Liked by Sudana Krasniqi

Oof. Too many memories. You’ve hit a nerve here. 👏

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Hit a lot of my own nerves Wendy, lol

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I’m remembering the boys at school who thought it was the best fun at break time to ‘get’ any girl whose boobs were sprouting. We literally had to fight them off. And utter self-consciousness wearing a bikini at the lake on the school trip to France, where svelte French girls looked so relaxed with their bodies. Ah yeah, all coming back to me. Hope my daughters had it a bit easier. Hope to God my granddaughters will have it easier.

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Jul 12Liked by Sudana Krasniqi

My sister got served alcohol at a Spaghetti Factory when she was 11. “We’re all 18 here, right?”

…and was hit on by every predacious asshole until she married (age 20).

You have my utmost sympathy. Life is hard, no matter which cards you’re dealt.

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Jul 12Liked by Sudana Krasniqi

Can't even imagine. Thank you for this perspective.

I was busy trying to hide my boner around that age without any clue I was probably staring inappropriately at classmates developing chests. I just can't imagine having to deal with the passes of adults while trying to sort out wtf was happening to my body and hormones.

I am scared of what my daughter will face as she enters adolescence. Hopefully things have improved a little at least.

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Yeah…one of my brothers told me about hiding boners…said even the bumpy bus ride would give him one…lol…I guess it’s weird and uncomfortable for all of us…🤷‍♀️

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If grown women would have been flirting with you and hitting in you you would have loved it.

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It’s not inappropriate in a boy that age unless you are opposed to being human.

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Jul 12Liked by Sudana Krasniqi

I discovered last summer, at age 46, while slumping at the piano, that I had slumped and baggie clothed for over 30 something years because I didn't want my mother to see my breasts. I stand up straight today, and knock people over with them, gladly.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10Liked by Sudana Krasniqi

For a sec I thought the poem was going to be to the tune of Euphoria by Kendrick Lamar lol. Not disappointed regardless! In conclusion, men are absolute trash, boobs rule.

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Wait explain the Euphoria reference, I was going for a “10 Things I Hate About You” moment and yes being a vile adult and making lewd comments directed at a child deserves the fucking death penalty now and always 💖

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Jul 10Liked by Sudana Krasniqi

You nailed the '10 Things' vibe!

I've been gobbling up the Drake-Kendrick feud as if I weren't a 30-something y/o white woman two cocktails away from calling herself a 'pawrent' (no, actually, that I would never do), so every time I read "I hate" the Euphoria lyrics just pop off in my head. Honestly the "A minorrrrrrrr" line works well with your post too.

Yeah I'm in real deep, sorry.

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A large proportion of men are tits, yes.

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Be happy for your tits. They ate glorious things and dead and wilted too soon

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My tits do have a big appetite 🤤

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but admittedly, yes, we are not as good as boobs

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